Texture + RxSwift Interactive Wrapper

How to make RxSwift Interactive wrapper for Texture?

Basically, Texture provides various basic components as shown in the picture below.

Especially, I focused on ASControlNode to make reactive wrapper.

Because, Basically RxCocoa offer various interactive wrapper such as UIButton tap wrapper, UIGestureRecognizer event wrapper etc.

ref: https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/blob/master/RxCocoa/iOS/UIGestureRecognizer%2BRx.swift


So, If i focused on ASControlNode then i guessed that i could make convenience interactive wrappers on ASImageNode(UIImageView), ASNetworkImageNode(UIImageView), ASButtonNode and so on.

I referred to UIGestureRecognizer+Rx script, and remake it to making ASControlNode wrapper.

and extend it as shown in the code below.

Finally, you can use upper code like this!


Improvement feed performance with Texture(AsyncDisplayKit)
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_GTTexture-RxExtension - Texture RxSwift Interactive Wrapper base on ASControlNode_github.com